dilluns, 25 de maig del 2009


This year fcb has made a big step in all sides, in Champions league, in King's cup, LFP cup , and until now they have won 2 cups, if they win this cup , they'll be the new dream team , in last 17 years. They nned to win against Manchester United, a difficult opponent. The match will start at 20:45 , but i think that i won't see it cause i have to study, the last 30 minutes i'll watch it. I think Barcelona will win 2-1, but there's a possibility that manchester will be agressive and they can win to 3-0. It will be amazing match.

dilluns, 18 de maig del 2009

The swine flue

One of the worst problems in the world is the virus that came from Mexico cause of pigs.This new virus wasnt agressive with people and the doctors thought that it was innofensive to us until now, when a young boy cought this virus and transmited to other people , and now more than thousand people are infcd and need go to hospital. This virus has caused a lot of deaths but the people started to protect the principal infection zone and the number of deaths has decreased. Its simphtomes are; You start getting vomits, later you get ill, also it presents headache, so if you have one of these simphtomes and your friend has the virus , better go to hospital and make sure that you're not ill.


The last generation of mobiles has stopped at the newiest model, called iPhone. This new phone has a big difference with other competitive models,but this phone has a tactical screen, when you touch it, you can control all aplications with your fingers, and it has a big capacity of memory , from 16 GigaBytes to 32.And the phone has a big light screen, that is perfect to watch movies, photos, play games and other things. And in the last week the new version of iPhone has came to world, when you move your screen to horitzontal position , it automatically turns horitzontal screen look.

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009

To find a job....

With the problems of Economy , great and big companies had to fire out a lot of inoccent workers because they weren't producing or working well, and with the crisis now the free job employements have reduced a lot .Workers are trying to find any job but with all these problems its wery dificult.So if you have finished studying in University i think you have a lot of ways to get a job , its easier to find , but to pass the University is very hard.So to have a good future,you'll need to work hard.

Waiting for the summer....

Every year summer comes with it's shyny sun and wonderful beaches,with the best year holidays , and other good things. Until summer comes we have to wait 2 months ! I can't wait this so long, so before summers starts i'll go to friend house and there we'll have a poolparty. The summer normaly starts when the school days ends and the weather is very hot. The best desert for summer is an ice cream , it's delicious at this season , and while I'm at beach with friends we sometimes play voleyball, and it's quiet funny =D. Later we go to swim awile and later turn back to home and rest in your bed eating ice cream .

diumenge, 5 d’abril del 2009


There is so many people that don't know what the hell is shuffle so i thought that was a great idea to comment about this new style of dancing . The music is Techno-Dance style and the dancers wear a wide pants , a sweater, and trainers. if you wanna to look yourself how they dance , take a look.

Our Univers

The scientifics have made a giant step of success in the knewledge of universe and his sistem.They found a lot of interesting information like, the universe is getting bigger and bigger every time ,the galaxies are going far away from each other , there is a posibility of other life in other galaxy or planet. I wonder if that possible other life is similar to our, and i wonder if there are so many galaxies in universe so there could be a small , but possible % of chance of equal life to our, i wanna mean another world with same characteristics , same people, etc. Our Universe is so strange...